Hi. I'm Pete Lambert and amongst a fair few other things, I'm a husband, father, photographer, musician and web designer and developer from Yorkshire.

Pete Lambert, looking all pensive in a cafe

I like the web. I’ve been designing and building for it since 1999. I’ve lived through the browser wars and the dot-com crash. I love doing what I do. It’s a great thing, being a veteran in what’s still a nascent industry.

Since 2010 I’ve been working for Logikcull as a Designer and UX/UI Engineer (front of the front end). It’s a fantastic company made of fantastic people, and it gets me out of the house and over to the US every so often. It's a varied role that takes in UI design, leadership, engineering (HTML, CSS, JS, React, etc.), product work, and a lot of hands on customer research.

I'm a musician, writing and recording music (I released my debut album, 'I Told You A Story', to critical acclaim in 2024), and I perform around the UK. From 2020 to 2023 I ran Lockdown Open Mic, a virtual open mic night for the Covid generation.

I'm a photographer, shooting mostly street, travel and live music on my own time but also taking on commercial work. Get in touch if you like my style and would like to work with me.

I love a bit of snowboarding but getting to mountains is tricky and I've got a bunch of bikes that I don't use enough. I do some powerlifting. I pick up new hobbies and passions pretty easily and pretty frequently. If I’m given the opportunity to try something new I’ll usually take it.

I live in York, in the North of England with my beautiful wife and our awesome son.

If you want to get in touch, drop me an email (because email sticks around - I'm too flighty with social media platforms these days).